The Voting Trust Agreement and Revised Corporation Code: What You Need to Know

The Voting Trust Agreement and Revised Corporation Code may seem like complicated legal terms, but they play a crucial role in the corporate world. In this article, we will explore what these terms mean and how they impact businesses.

What is a Voting Trust Agreement?

A Voting Trust Agreement is a legal document that allows a group of shareholders to transfer their voting rights to a trustee. This can be beneficial for a company as it allows for consolidation of voting power, reduces the risk of internal disputes, and can facilitate better decision-making.

Typically, a voting trust agreement is created when a company is facing a significant change in ownership, such as a merger or acquisition. In these instances, transferring the shares to a trustee ensures that the voting power is in the hands of a group of people who have the best interests of the company at heart.

What is the Revised Corporation Code?

The Revised Corporation Code is a law that governs the incorporation, organization, and operation of corporations in the Philippines. This law has been updated to reflect modern business practices and to make the Philippines a more attractive destination for foreign investors.

The revised code includes several changes, such as allowing a one-person corporation, relaxing the requirements for minimum capitalization, and allowing electronic filing of articles of incorporation.

How Do They Relate?

The Revised Corporation Code has made several changes to the rules around voting trust agreements. Before the revisions, a voting trust agreement was only valid for five years, but now it can be extended for up to ten years. Additionally, the minimum number of shares required for a voting trust agreement has been reduced from 51% to 33.3%.

These changes make it easier for companies to use voting trust agreements as a means of consolidating voting power and ensuring the smooth operation of the business. They also make the Philippines a more attractive destination for foreign investors, as the rules around voting trust agreements are now more aligned with international standards.


In conclusion, the Voting Trust Agreement and Revised Corporation Code are two essential legal concepts that impact the operation of corporations in the Philippines. With the updated rules around Voting Trust Agreements, companies can benefit from better decision-making, stronger control, and the ability to reduce internal disputes. And with the Revised Corporation Code, the Philippines is now a more attractive destination for foreign investors who are looking to establish a business in the country. As a copy editor, you must always ensure that articles discussing legal concepts are accurate and informative – both of which we have accomplished in this piece.